Bhūtakṛt भूतकृत्
Bhūtakṛt means the Creator. Kṛt refers to both creation and destruction. Viṣṇu, as the Brahman is not merely the Creator but also the Annihilator of the universe.
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gita (X.34), “I am the all-destroying death that snatches all, and the origin of all that shall be born.” In reality, the Brahman does not stop with creation and annihilation. The most important function of the Brahman is His act of sustaining His creations. Viṣṇu is often known for His sustaining activities.
The Cosmic Will of the Brahman is the starting point of creation and every other thing is merely the unfoldment of His Cosmic design.
५. ।।ॐ भूतकृते नमः।।
5. || Om Bhūtakṛte namah ||
(5) Bhoota-krit -The Creator (Krit) of all creatures (Bhoota). This word can be dissolved in two ways:
(a) One who creates the creatures (BhootaaniKarotiiti Bhoota- Krit) or
(b) One who annihilates all creatures (Bhootaani Krindati itiBhoota-krit).
In both these cases, Brahman, the Supreme is the One Reality that seems to function as the Creator, Sustainer or Destroyer, when He functions through different gunas in the Total-Mind. Functioning through a preponderance in Rajoguna, He becomes the ‘Creator’; through Sattvaguna the ‘Sustainer’, and through Tamoguna, He Himself expresses as the ‘Destroyer’.
The Creator of beings and the destroyer of all beings.
Bhūtānikarotiitibhūtakrt – He is the creator of the entire world. There is nothing haphazard or random in the creation. We see that anything including a simple pot is put together. Even the mess that is there on many people’s study table is created and there is a method by which that madness or mess was created as it were.
As Brahmāji, taking recourse to rajoguṇa, He creates all the beings, the entire world. The five gross and subtle elements like space, air, fire, water, earth, time and so on constitute the world. The world, which is the scheme of things, includes my body, mind and senses. So, the five elements, elementals, and everything that is born of them are included in the world. The one, who is the maker of this world, is the efficient cause of the creation and hence He is the bhūtakrt. Bhūtānitakrt–taking recourse to tamoguna, He destroys beings in the form of Rudra.
This is the fifth name of the 1,000 names of Vishnu. The word ‘Bhuta‘ means “that which is produced” or (more relevant to this context), “that which has ‘become’” including the 5 principle-elements:
Prthvi (Earth)
Apa (Water)
Agni/Tejas (Fire)
Vayu (Air)
Akasa (Infinite Space/Ether)
It is the alchemy of these 5 principle elements that make up everything on the earth.
Krd/Krt can be interpreted in two ways:
Krt: ‘Generation’ when that supreme person assumes the form of Brahma and under the influence of Rajo-guna initiates the process of creation
Krntana: ‘Destruction” when that supreme person assumes the form of Rudra and under the influence of Tamo-guna initiates the process of destruction
Now, if we were to take the 5 names together, we can see how beautifully the names are strung together – like a garland of flowers – it is not any random jumble of words but rather a carefully arranged sequence of words that when chanted with right cadence can create an exquisite symphony of enormous spiritual power…
Here are the first 5 names read together…
“He who is the Universal-All (VISWAM), who has enveloped and interpenetrated all ‘that is’ (VISHNU); is the receiver (and also the doer) of that which is offered in the Yajna (VASHATKARAHA), the master of the past, present, and future who is beyond the vicissitudes of Kaala – eternal and unchanging (BHUTA-BHAVYA-BHAVAT-PRABHU) is the also the one from whom all the ‘Bhutas’ emerge/emanate (BHUTAKRD’)”
“He who is the initiator of the creative process of the Universe…