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Shloka 12

In this Part we will explore the meaning of the Twelfth Shloka of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam.

वसुर्वसुमनास्सत्यस्समात्मा सम्मितस्समः ।अमोघः पुण्डरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृतिः ॥ १२ ॥

Vasur Vasurmanah Satyah Samaatma Sammitah Samah |
Amoghah Pundarikaksho Vrishakarma Vrishakritih ||12||


He lives in all beings and thinks of his devotees as a treasure. He is an embodiment of truth and has a pure mind that is free from all bias. He is accepted by all Rishis and Upanishads as ‘Sat’ or ‘Truth’. He treats everyone equally and his blessings never go futile. He has beautiful eyes like the Lotus flower. All his actions are righteous and He is an embodiment of Dharma. He has assured that He will reincarnate millenium after millenium to uphold Dharma (Sambhavi Yuge Yuge).

This Shloka contains the following 10 Namas:

  1. Vasuh
  2. Vasumanah
  3. Satyah
  4. Samaatma
  5. Sammitah
  6. Samah
  7. Amoghah
  8. Pundarikakshah
  9. Vrishakarma
  10. Vrishaakritih

He dwells in all beings and hence He is Vasuh. He has a pure mind and so He is Vasumanah. He is Satyah as He is an embodiment of truth. He is free from all bias and a Samaatma with a pure mind. He is Sammitah as He is accepted by all Rishis and Upanishads as the ‘Ultimate Truth’. He is equally disposed to all beings and so He is Samah.

He is Amoghah as His blessings never go futile. He is Pundarikashah with His Lotus like eyes. He is Vrishakarma as all his actions are righteous and in accordance with Dharma. He is Vrishakritih as has assured that he will reincarnate millennium after millennium to uphold Dharma.